
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

the parliamentary election in syria

the parliamentary election held in Syria is "ludicrous", the credible elections are not possible when the country is beset by continuing violence.
"It's not really possible to hold credible elections in a climate where basic human rights are being denied to the citizens and the government is continuing to carry out daily assaults on its own citizens," he said at a regular news briefing.
"So to hold a parliamentary election in that kind of atmosphere borders on ludicrous," he added.
The Monday election, the first of its kind in Syria under a new constitution that ends the monopoly on power of President Bashar al-Assad's Baath Party and allows a multi-party system, is part of the government's reform program aimed at quelling the bloody unrest that has raged across the country since mid-March 2011.
Syrian authorities said 7,195 candidates from 12 political parties were competing for the 250 parliamentary seats. However, the main opposition groups boycotted the vote amid fighting with the government security forces.
UN observers are being deployed in Syria to monitor a ceasefire brokered by Kofi Annan, the joint UN-Arab League envoy.

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